DeSIRA (Development Smart Innovation through Research in Agriculture):
Initiative aiming at linking more effectively research and innovation with development. Funded by the EU, this intends to boost innovation in agriculture and food systems transformation in low and middle-income countries with a view to be more resilient to the effects of climate change. It particularly emphasises the Sahel region, Lire la suite…
Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation (TAAT):
An important element of “Feed Africa” a strategy of the African Development Bank to transform agriculture and scale up agribusiness opportunities throughout 18 key agricultural commodity value chains targeting the sorghum and pearl millet compact. TAAT supports Feed Africa by providing the needed, proven agricultural and food processing technologies and Lire la suite…
PAIRED Partnership for Agricultural Research, Education and Development in West and Central Africa:
ThisCORAF and USAID partnership is underpinned by the conviction that regional approaches and interventions are efficient as an added value to national efforts in reaching out to millions of people whose livelihoods depend on agriculture and whose socio-cultural and economic circumstances are similar. The current program, Partnership for Agricultural Research, Lire la suite…